We interrupt this program for a brief pat on the back
Every few months I have the opportunity to give a public speech. It’s a pretty natural extension of my job, since I spend a lot of time standing in front of rooms talking on a daily basis.
I had a great experience yesterday as the keynote speaker for a Women’s Leadership Network conference event. These events are large ballroom-style setups, with round tables full of many chatting professional women wearing name tags who meet at our downtown club to share lunch, meet people, and share some kind of informational and/or inspirational speech and discussion.
I felt great as I left - you can tell when it went well and the energy is high, and this talk was very interactive - and then I also received this little text from one of the participants later last night. Very affirming (and fully offsets the stress of procrastinating the preparation of your actual talk and materials to the night before…)
Okay, enough of that! We now return you to our regularly scheduled program of goats and gardens.