Water Wagon 2.0

Part of our “DEF CON 2” water plan is to establish a method/process for bringing in our own water from the local water district, Whitworth Water. Steve installed the 210 gallon tank on the back of the pickup, securing it with several sturdy ratchet straps. While the bed of the truck could handle a larger tank, you have to remember how HEAVY these things are when full of water. So 200 gallons pretty much maxes out our comfort level driving the full tank home.

The hose and connecting mechanisms came together super easy, as does the process at the water works. Just drive up, positioning your tank under the hose that hangs down vertically. Swipe your water works membership card, select your number of gallons, and voila - Instant water! It takes about 2.5 minutes to fill the 200 gallon tank. The facility is about 12 minutes from home, right next door to our vet’s office!

At home we just pull the truck over by the pump house, attach the hose, open the cistern (Steve has a new easy-access lid he will be installing), and let gravity do the work!

It’s actually kind of fun! (Almost as fun as making runs to the dump.)

Steve enjoyed it so much he made four trips today to help get the cistern back to normal levels.

Ahhhhh, much better!


Canola time


The worst of times, the best of times