The new boys join the herd
After work 2 days ago, Montana and Elijah picked up the additional fiber boys to join their cousin Sammie as part of our new goat adventure. It was a literal goat rodeo as they immediately escaped the car and had to be chased into a fenced pasture. These two are not giant puppy-goats like Samson. They tend to run away from, not toward, the humans. Their names are inspired from O Brother, Where Art Thou? - Delmar and Everett - I can’t remember which is which, but the names seem fitting for both!
Yesterday we let them into the pasture with the chickens, and the naughty boys immediately got into the chicken run, of course. So today we closed them out, and they spent the entire morning moping by the gate. At least they were all hanging out together, but what babies!
Because I am such a softie for these silly animals, during today’s lunch break, I asked Steve to adjust the chicken gate to a goat-proof level, and then we re-released the goat trio. They canvased the area to try to find a way in, but eventually gave up. Now they are just happily checking out the rest of the place.
Closer-up pictures forthcoming!
Sammie scratching his horns on an innocent old apple tree.