Sammy checking things out by the coop

Sweet Samson continues to settle in. Later today he is getting company - two newly-shaved and bathed brothers. Apparently the neighbor that Montana is buying them from could not bear to part with them in their (previously) VERY VERY muddy state. And with these long-haired fiber goats, you can’t really wash that mud out. You have to shave it off, and then wash and process the wool. We saw a snapshot of those two taken yesterday, and then are just a shaved mess. Samson’s long, white curls will definitely put him at the top rung of the Alpha Goat ladder once they arrive.

But for this morning, he is just enjoying checking out the tree down by the chickens.

Volume on: I like the short video clip below where he is “bleating” away the hens from his sleeping nook. What a toughie!


The new boys join the herd


Meet Sweet Samson