Still loving the fall garden
We have had a few light frosts, but we are still waiting for a REAL one, a frost that finishes our remaining garden colors. Down the bluff, eg on the way to Whitworth, this already happened weeks ago. But we heard that maybe this week will be the week for us.
So, yes, I wander around the garden everyday, staring lovingly at all of the colors, thinking about what I want to do the same and different next year, taking what I am sure can only be the most repetitive photos over and over. But I can’t seem to help myself. And I won’t regret it when I wake up to a hard frost one day very soon!
Even the front porch hanging baskets are hanging in there
Calendula (marigolds) still doing great.
A semi-panoramic shot.
Looking forward to (forcing) the family to play cornhole while we have a fire in the pit, as soon as the burn ban is released.
I’ve been keeping that left-hand bed covered to minimize weeds - that is where our garlic and onion were.
THIS is why I am so obsessed with getting to burn - we have a LOT of misc. branches to take care of, this area is a mess!
Pretty soon there will be snow on that mountain!
Love those asparagus ferns in the fall!
Cosmos still popping.
Love this view from my kitchen window.