Slowly cleaning up the garden

I still really hate to see it go, but it is long gone, so time to clean it up! Those sunflower stalks are formidable - Steve had to come by with an axe to cut them down. Still have another few day’s worth of work pulling dead plants out and moving them to the compost, but slowly we are getting there. Snow is just around the corner, so it’s either now or next spring!

We are leaving the irrigation and landscape fabric down over the winter.

I refuse to pull anything that has any remaining color at all.

Sunflower heads went to the chickens, they love picking at them.

Montana was saving the sunflower stalks for something, not sure what.

Yellow asparagus ferns are pretty but weird. Strange that these varieties did not produce any little red berries as they typically do. Hope they return next spring!

I’m going to leave the dead morning glory vines on the trellises, because maybe that will help snow accumulate on top of them.

Of course the goats attacked the wagon of garden leftovers en route to the compost.


Winterizing the chicken area


Snow on the mountain!