Our neighbors, Big Barn Brewing

When we moved to Green Bluff we knew we would be just down the road from dozens of small orchard businesses. This was part of the appeal of buying property in seasonally bustling Green Bluff. This was also part of what we knew would be crazy traffic during pumpkin season, causing us to only use the secret “back way” off of the bluff on October weekends.

But we have been particularly lucky to be just down the road from Big Barn Brewing, a wonderful family business (all Whitworth alums, as it just happens to be) that has pick-your-own orchards (“Bodacious Berries”), that we regularly glean from with my beloved Spokane Edible Tree Project, and that has a year-round microbrewery and cozy gathering place to enjoy a fresh brew or two. The laid-back atmosphere is absolutely perfect - bring a deck of cards or board game, bring your own food or buy a seasonal cup of soap/sandwich on-site. Food trucks and bands outside in the yard in the summers; cozy fire inside in the winter. Just around the corner, and we feel so welcome in this little community when we are here.

So this afternoon, Montana and I shared a few cold mugs by the fire plotting our farm animal plans for 2024. We have some exciting changes coming this year! We can’t wait to continue to realize the dream of living out here together. Stay tuned!


Lighting up the new artwork


Snow finally starts returning