Just another winter day in the chicken run

Today’s (minor) flurries didn’t slow down the inquisitive chicken crew. Here are some pictures that show how we have set up their winter dining room.

The gray trash can in the back holds scratch feed (corn). Steve installed pieces of wide PVC pipe along the bottom so the girls can reach in to eat. It’s neater than when I just toss it on the ground (what the ladies prefer, because they don’t have to wait their turn.) The silver (hanging) feeder is filled with crumble feed, stored in the black garbage can to the right. Two red bowls contain some feed and also oyster shell and grit to encourage strong shells. We use two (heated) dog waters. You can also see part of the Christmas trees, which are used down here for shelter until the goats come, when they will turn into goat snacks.

I added a layer of straw in their covered run which cuts down on mud. Mud is normally not a winter problem, but this year the ground has not stayed frozen. So much mud - and the farm boots to prove it!

So many beautiful girls! Love all of their colorful feathers.

Donkeys always keeping a close eye on the action at feeding time.


Not really winter, not yet spring


Getting organized