Early evening pass through the garden

Things are really browning up around here, a time of the year that I really love and look forward to. But at the same time, I am not at all excited about losing my beautiful garden flowers once the cold weather hits. So I will just keep enjoying the show while it is playing!

Tonight was a fairly cloudy, slightly chilly early evening.

I can see I need to pick another bushel of tomatoes soon!

Asparagus hasn't quite started browning up, but soon it will do that plus develop some bright red berries.

Around 6-7pm the solar party lights over the horseshoe pit behind the garden come on and stay on most of the night.  Interesting side note: Right next to those roses, last night at around 10pm, Steve was out with the dogs, and they came upon a porcupine outside the garden fence! We walked right up to it and shined a flashlight on it, and it wasn't even spooked in the slightest. Those quills were something else!  We are wondering where he/she actually lives. We have never seen this type of small (it was actually quite large) animal around here.

So much brown!  And then a little speck of black in the form of Baby Cat, hunting in the goat field.

The goats' messy playground.

And here's a photo from one of the walks at Whitworth - Fall confirmed!


Outside looking in


Best rose garden yet