Eagle watching in Couer d'Alene

Eagles know there are kokanee salmon spawning nearby, so they hang out in the trees and we hang out in a nearby parking lot to get a glimpse. Steve wins the award for finding the most (16, though the local professionals have apparently counted over 400 this year.)

And as an added bonus, while in Coeur d’Alene we stopped at a western art gallery in town that we have never visited before. To say it was amazing is an understatement, much more of a museum experience than a pure gallery. Room after room after room… We picked up this beautiful painting (and could have stayed all day/spent all of our money).

This will look terrific in the living room once we take down the Christmas tree and figure out what we are going to do with the big blank bookcase-less wall.

5 stars. So much inventory. If you are looking for a glass-eyed climbing bear hall tree/coat rack or recovered giant antique western casino wheels, they have about a dozen of each.


Christmas comes down


New year, new website