Christmas comes down

Usually I leave the Christmas decorations up until January, but this winter's crazy mildness provided the perfect opportunity for Steve to remove the outside lights. No icy ladder work, quite the “treat”.

Inside, I was eager to hang our new artwork and start to set up a little reading/music area. So over the deck railing the tree went (Montana will give both trees to the chickens to climb on.)

That also left us to contend with a nice round water mark on the floor from our awesome new tree stand. So many questions: Does our new stand leak? Were we filling it too high? Will that iron trick actually work on laminate?

The reading/music nook will take some work over the coming weeks/months, but it has promise. New duck painting looks phenomenal.

All tucked in the garage for another year, and I even managed to downsize a few boxes in the process!


Gaming and flambeing in the New Year


Eagle watching in Couer d'Alene