Chicken run winter work part 2

We took advantage of a mild fall Saturday morning and installed another element of our experimental chicken run winterization program. We love our cattle panel trellises in the garden, so we used another one of our extensive cattle panel collection to build a little “tunnel” on the open side of the chicken run pavilion.

We started by wrapping a 16’x4’ heavy-gauge metal panel with a folded length of heavy duty plastic.

We secured the open edge with 4’ lengths of foam pipe insulation's that we sliced down one side. The plastic covered panel edge was inserted into the black insulation slit and secured with what else - zip ties, of course! We literally do not know how people survived before zip ties.

We bent the panel into an arch and put it in place. One side leaned against the floor board along the bottom of the netting, and we put a metal stake in to hold the other in place. The whole project came together really nicely. I immediately want to do another one to have an even bigger tunnel!


First snow!


Winterizing the chicken area