Yesterday vs. today

I love how one day of snow makes all the difference. It remains quite warm (relatively speaking) so tomorrow will probably be another melter. The biggest frustration is the depth of the mud that has resulted from all of the melting in the chicken run, but there is nothing we can do about that!

Yesterday: Dragged the Christmas tree down for the goats to play with.

This morning:

Unfortunately, it looks like 2 of our 5 hives have died (one of them being this one on the right.) Montana’s hypothesis is that it’s been too soggy, which is probably a solid guess. Bees can handle heat and cold, but moisture is a killer. We will see how the other 3 fare!


Sammy is impossible to photograph because he always wants to be RIGHT in your face!

Then Sammy went on to be a Bad Goat and start chewing on a gate post.

Two of the three doves that live by the chicken run, always grabbing the leftover scratch corn.


Snow days


Igloo dinner in Coeur d’Alene