Steve’s new toy
Our mower fate was sealed when the old Huskvarna gave up. “Luckily” Steve had already done his research.
Meet “Goldie”, the fancy new near-commercial grade zero-turn mower. Something like this would have been overkill at the other house, where we really only mowed the area around the house. But here it’s actually practical given both the size and ruggedness of the terrain!
I have officially offloaded the mowing duties to Steve, so he can be the one to do it for our next 35 years!
Proud papa.
The goats had to come running to see what all the fuss was about.
Operating this thing is WILD. Not very intuitive; a LOT of power. It will spin in circles if you’re not careful. I MIGHT let Steve cross-train me on it later in the summer, we will see.