Steve learns a new skill
Unbelievably, Steve has managed to live the country life for over 30 years without learning how to weld! It just seems like this should have come up a lot earlier, but alas, we only now have a reason to weld. Last year, one of the tines on our tiller broke from the shaft/spindle. So for almost a year Steve has been trying to figure out how we would get that repaired, by whom, and for how much.
But, in typical Steve fashion, he figured that investing the money in a welding set-up for him would be preferable to paying someone else to do the repair. (This is the argument he uses for all of his fun toys.) And also in typical Steve fashion, he did his research and was actually able to get it to work - So many sparks! Steve confirms it is somewhat addictively fun.
If it stays dry we will give the repaired tiller a good workout next weekend. Fingers crossed!
The repaired ring - okay, maybe not the prettiest, but it got the job done!
What the good side looks like.
Practicing his technique on an old lawnmower blade.