Peaceful enough coexistence

A few more days in, and the new hens are doing pretty good. They still hang pretty close to the coop. One got a little confused yesterday when she found herself outside the run and by the compost pile behind the coop, but with a few nudges she made it.

A few birds are doing some chest-bumping pecking order dances. These are natural (and not vicious), but still difficult for humans to witness.

The goats remain unimpressed.

Nice panoramic shot creates a crazy mis-perspective. But it looks kind of cool!

The yellow extension cords have been run to the coop to supply the electric to heat the chickens’ water bowls.

Old and new hens sharing some of the extra tomatoes I found when cleaning out the garden bed.

These are two of the new hens. The one drinking water is a really shiny bright red color. There are two of these. The poor girl on the ramp to the coop is heavily molting - that’s Messy Bessy. Those feathers will return soon!

The one that looks black in this photo is actually a combination of red, brown, and black. She is quite friendly with me, though I’ve noticed she’s had to fight with more than a few of the legacy hens. 

There she is up close!

Here’s a pic of the sweet oldest hen from the new group. She spends most of her days up on this top rung. 

This red hen is always at her side. 

These two new girls are also always together. One is a medium gray, and the other has barred rock-type feathers.

There’s Bessy Messy again! I can’t wait to see what she really looks like once this molting has stopped!

Meanwhile, here’s the barn cat being VERY un-barnlike. 


Clearing out the garden


Adding to the brood