Next big project

As any long-time Costco customer knows, when you see something in the store that you like you have to grab it right then. You snooze, you lose. We serendipitously were in the store last spring when the hanging baskets came in, and they were the best we’ve ever had.

So while getting a greenhouse was an item on the Futures list, it automatically moved way up the list due to seeing this floor model at our last grocery stop.

It was love at first sight. Most of the kits we have seen are either white or galvanized metal. Many have plastic sheeting instead of panels, which have always worried me wind-wise.

This one is perfect. Super heavy and sturdy, just the right size. Nice little features. Perfect coloring to complement our garden, fencing, and outbuildings.

Montana came up with the inspired idea to build the greenhouse right outside the garden fence facing into the garden and then just cut open the fence and reattach it to the sides of the building. So we will access the greenhouse from within the garden, but it won’t be taking up valuable space inside the fence. And a nice sunny spot. Great design!

Here are two mock-up pictures that give an idea of what it will look like. (The first pic shows the greenhouse door on the outside of the fence, but it will be the other way around. I just didn’t have a photo of the back of the finished building to use for the mock-up!)

The kit came in two giant, VERY heavy flat-pack cartons which are now safely stored in the shop for the next few months. The first order of business will be having our dirt guys create a nice level area for our foundation.


Getting organized

