Annual photo book day

As you know, in this photo blog I record life on the farm, and then I take the photos from each year’s life and produce a physical book. These books might be a little crazy, but they are so easy to produce straight out of the blog (one click thanks to the clever Dutch company that connects directly and downloads and arranges everything for you) and only cost about $100 to do, so I just cannot help myself.

The 2024 book arrived! It’s gorgeous as always. It is also more than twice the size of last year’s, as predicted. The new SquareSpace-based blog interface just leads to me posting more photos and using more words.

So enjoy the photos below taken of the book taken from the blog taken from my phone’s camera taken of real life!

Of course the cover photo would be of the Northern Lights. Inside there are at least 6 pages of pictures of basically the same thing. But it was so fantastical - how could we resist?

For comparison - Our first few books combined two years in one. The gray book is last year’s 2023 book, pretty formidable. This year’s green book is almost twice the size!

Their system does a great job of capturing the headings, text, and captions. I love how everything is dated.

There is also a photo collage created out of random shots in the inside cover.

Every month gets a divider page, too.


Going strong at 61!


Sun & snow