Greenhouse starting to take shape!

We never actually used our little greenhouse at the other house as an actual greenhouse. There was no electricity out to that garden, and there was no venting, etc. But we always liked the way it looked.

We purchased this little greenhouse kit from Costco last winter. It seemed to be the perfect size and will have nice shelves and automatic temperature-controlled roof ventilation. It is small so it can’t handle a ton of plants, but we can at least start experimenting with starting seeds a little earlier, given our super-small growing season.

We had the gravel guys lay a little foundation base for it last month. So I was really excited when I found Steve in the shop actually putting it together this week!

The starting point.

It begins! Steve moved Big Red into the garage temporarily to create a workspace.

Admiring his work. If this photo had audio you would hear heavy metal 70's music blaring in the background.

Steve built the front/back and two sides in the shop and then carried them out here on top of the truck bed. We cut the fence netting down the middle of the spot where we are placing the greenhouse and will staple it to the sides of the greenhouse when we are done. 

We are placing the greenhouse right up to the fenceline so there will be space in the back to move a few beehives.

Always squaring everything up. But no need for perfection. If we are within a half inch on this one, we are good.

Looks so good already! This will be a cute little addition to our garden. And a few beehives here along the back will be fantastic on the gravel pad.


Busy bees


Oh, how the garden grows!