Green Bluff fun
We are enjoying being part of the local Green Bluff Grange. Both of us are officers, but Steve manages to volunteer for even more. One annual event we organize is the “Cherry Pickers Trot & Pit Spit”. The “Trot” is a 4-mile road run that starts and ends at the Grange building and circles through the Bluff. The race starts with a man who is part of one of the original Green Bluff families (and the brother of our next-door neighbor) riding a tractor and pulling an outhouse. Please do not ask me why. He’s been doing this for 45 years! This year a new resident had to step in, and he nailed the timing as evidenced by the last video below. And yes, cherry pit spitting is a tradition here in our little orchard community. Montana and I originally wanted to walk the race, but it was 95 degrees at the time of the race, and that was NOT happening. As I watched the sweaty, exhausted runners and walkers hit the finish line, I was quite glad we just helped out instead of actually trying to walk the circuit. We didn’t partake in the spitting activity, but next year I’ll have Steve practice some cherry pit spitting - the record is around 40 feet!
45 years in this little community is pretty impressive!
There was somewhere around 600 participants!
In the video below you can see the tractor pulling the outhouse heading to the finish line first, followed by the race winners!