Final fall veggie harvest

Fall is really falling fast around here. We have re-installed the electric blankets, and I now close up the chicken coop pretty tight at night. We haven’t yet had a hard frost, but it is coming soon. So in anticipation of that event, this week we started pulling out all of the final goodies from the garden.

I have loved this garden so much this year, I truly am going to be crushed when that hard frost hits and everything immediately goes brown. But putting the garden to bed takes a bit of work, so it is a good thing to at least get it started now.

The flowers are still looking quite beautiful. The sunflowers have had their show, so as they fall over, I am putting them aside for Montana to use (she makes them into garden stakes) and Steve (he pulls out any seeds - I forgot why.) Part of the morning glories look like they have been killed off by a minor frost. But the rest are still keeping things colorful around here!

Steve installed a string of solar lights in the greenhouse, so now it lights up at night. This will look particularly cool in the winter snow. You can see the solar lights hanging over the horseshoe court in the background.


Another incredible northern lights show


Surprise dust storm!