Checking in on the garden’s progress

It’s been quite a strange Spokane weather year, with a super cold spring and really no actual hot days yet at all, here at the end of June. The poor garden has been relentlessly beaten with several windstorms and cold, rainy (sometimes hail-y) weather conditions. But now that we have had a good number of sunny days, things are starting to sprout in the garden.

We love squash. Montana and Elijah like to grill it up, so delicious.

The poor tomatoes are trying their best, but they got pretty beat up in the hailstorm.

Raised beds are doing well. The bed in the front right is zinnias, and next to it are strawberries. Peppers are in the middle, and then miscellaneous flowers in the back by the garden gate. Steve killed all of the grass between the beds, because we are going to lay down (decorative) mulch next month. That way he can hide and protect the irrigation lines from the lawnmower.

Two of the three garden fruit trees we planted are doing well - the espalier (flat-pruned) apple and pear trees are doing terrific. We can see baby fruit! Unfortunately, like many (entire orchards) of cherry trees this year, our cherry tree was fatally damaged by the spring weather. But - there are little sprouts coming out of the base that indicate that the roots of the tree are still alive. So we are leaving it and watering it, and will have to wait and see what happens with it next year!


Lilacs are in the ground


Garlic scapes