4th of July is coming
I put our bunting flags on the front split rail fence instead of the porch this year. The drip irrigation on the porch baskets was staining them last year, so this will be better. I also ordered a flag to hang from the loft. Overall, the porch has been extra inviting now that the weather has broken!
Hanging baskets are coming along.
You can see some of the mason bee tubes have been “cemented” in by its occupants. Not as many as I had hoped, but it was a cold and windy spring. We will save these larvae for next year
We rescued this porch swing from an estate sale for $10. Love it over here on the quiet side of the porch, overlooking the garden and the goats’ antics.
This is our dead bamboo plant, slowly coming back from certain death. Apparently bamboo is un-killable.
Steve extended the drip irrigation from the front porch to water Montana’s hanging basket collection around back.